I am Dr. Nancy Fox
Lyme Disease Authority and the author of the best selling book "Hide And Seek: No Ticks, Please" I help families protect themselves from the hidden dangers of Lyme Disease and live healthier lives.
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Lyme Disease Curriculam. Levels K-12 Available
The K-12 Lyme Disease Prevention & Awareness Curriculum is integrated across the core subject areas of English, Math, Science, History, and Health with application of knowledge and skills to Lyme disease and tick-borne diseases. It is aligned with the Common Core Standards and Core Standards. There is no discussion of diagnosis or treatment in the curriculum.
For more information order call: (410) 739-5409 or Email: drnancyfox@gmail.com

What Others Are Saying
“Dr. Fox was able to sort through my job opportunities and help me to see the value of selecting one job over the other based on what I wanted for my life and my career. I spent weeks weighing the pros and cons of each job. With her help I decided in minutes.”
- Catherine White